FoodSHIFT Pathways: Reducing Food Waste Through Circular Education
Educational Resources for Transforming the Food System from the Classroom
Foodshift Pathways is a European Erasmus+ project that brings together six European countries βGermany, Spain, Denmark, Greece, Italy, and Swedenβ in a collaborative action-research effort addressing key topics on sustainability and the transformation of the food system through education and experimentation in schools. Each country delves into a specific focus, tailored to its local food-related needs and challenges. For instance, Sweden examines the impact of fast food marketing on young people; the Netherlands utilizes technological applications to map land use for urban agriculture; Portugal promotes healthy diets in schools; Greece encourages the consumption of local products; and Denmark transforms school cafeterias to reflect sustainable practices.
In Spain, from the Fab Lab de Barcelona and in collaboration with the teaching community of Catalonia through the FAIG project, we aim to promote a new perspective: transforming food waste into valuable resources. This initiative seeks to develop learning situations that encourage this transformation from within the classroom, introducing students to the interconnectedness of ecosystems, where every element plays a role in the cycle of life, and nothing goes to waste. Our goal is for students to understand our role as humans within the ecosystem and the importance of reusing food waste, returning it to the system. This initiative fosters a collective sense of collaboration, where everything can be utilized and repurposed for the benefit of the environment and sustainability.
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