How to: Enter a listing
Select Factory Type from taxonomy list. You can select one / more than one. If you are unsure contact
Company Name - enter the full and recognised company name in the free text field. Avoid using ‘Ltd’ if you can, capitals and full stops.
Region - enter the region in which the manufacturer is located.
Country - enter the country in which the manufacturer is located. This helps the user to find the manufacturers.
Location - is the city, town or area in which the manufacturer resides and is a free text field. This will be shown on the top of the contact box on the manufacturers page.
Address - enter the postal address for the company, this could be the address of their premises, a registered business address or a PO box.
Type of fabrication space - Choose one of the displayed options in the drop down menu to indicate the type of fabrication space.
Introduction – this free text field is where you ensure anybody can easily understand what the company does in one or two sentences. Write in the third person and without jargon. Avoid using phrases such as ‘Award winning’, ‘Established in...’, ‘XX’ as this kind of information can feature in the Background.
Background - this part of the listing should be about the company history and written in the third person and be kept impartial, not too pompous or ‘sales-y’. Avoid simply lifting the company’s history from their website.
Production Specifics - Information that can guide the user how the company works or how to engage with them when approaching a new project.
Year founded - Founding year of the company.
Number of Employees – enter the numeral for the number of employees in the company in the free text field.
Website - enter the URL, including http://, for the company’s contact information
Employees - When employees of the company have signed up to Make Works they can be selected here.
Media - Please upload here the Vimeo link to your Make Works listings if it exists. Ask the Make Works Coordination Team prior to uploading the video to the Make Works Vimeo account.
Images -
Contact avatar - Portrait of the manufacturer if available
Top image - The image/ thumbnail that will be shown on the manufacturers overview page
Slider image - All images shown in the slider on the manufacturers page
All are accessible via 'clicking' the field and selecting the images from your local hard drive.
‘Tags’ old:‘Taxonomies’
‘Character tags’ - New feature on Make Works. Character tags offer categorisation of manufacturers by characteristics such as “family-owned” “Made circular”
In case there are any tags missing please contact
Production Info
Turnaround Time
Minimum order
Production Access
File Types
Works With
Contact Info - this is an important section of any listing. Having read all about the factory and decided ‘Yep, they are the factory for me!’, this is where the user will be able to take action to get in touch with the factory and take forward their making / repairing / manufacturing / creating project. So getting this information right is key!
Contact Name - enter the name of the individual who the factory has recommended as the point of contact (this could be the Director, Head of Marketing or a Receptionist) for enquiries / sales, and ensure the name matches the profile photograph / image.
Contact Title - enter the title of the individual who the factory has recommended as the point of contact for enquiries / sales.
Email - enter the email address for the individual, team or department who the factory has recommended as the point of contact who can manage enquiries / sales.
Phone - enter the phone number for the individual, team or department who the factory has recommended as the point of contact who can manage enquiries / sales.
WhatsApp - enter the mobile number used in WhatsApp for the individual, team or department who the factory has recommended as the point of contact who can manage enquiries / sales.
Social Media - Here you can add details of the Company’s social media links to their listing. Please use the full URL for each service, starting with http://, rather than just the 'handle'. Always double check these URLs are correct. Options include Facebook, Twitter, LinkedIn, Google Plus, Instagram, Pinterest, Flickr, YouTube. Details entered in these fields will appear in the Company’s ‘Contact Info’ section of their listing.
Always select Save to save the information you have entered.
Last updated
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