How to: Use Make Works
Make Works has an editing mode for all Region Champions. This is accessible through the general Make Works website. This is how you enter everything for your region - About page, listings, events and project listings, details of your team, etc.
Once logged in, the Make Works Coordination Team will make you a Region Champion. Please contact if you are encountering any issues.
Once logged in, youll see your name on the top right corner of Click your name to open the drop down menu, available to all Make Works users, with the following options and purpose:
User settings - allows you to update your profile with a picture and short biography
Saved listings - shows all listings you have saved using the 'star' option on individual listings
My listings - shows listings / companies where you are employed at or own
Created by me - shows all the listings you have created
Please complete your profile in User settings as your profile will be automatically shown in the 'team' section of your region.
Once you are Region Champion you will have full access to your regions page which can be accessed at Enter your region by clicking your region's name. By clicking on edit in the top left corner you will be able to edit all mandatory fields:
Short info - Should be a 3 - 4 sentence long introduction of your region. You can include and highlight the organisations you work with or just give a brief overview.
Avatar - is the main image that will show on your region About page. You can use one of your manufacturer's images or an image of your organisation.
Short Description - is an abstract of your regions page which will be shown on the region overview page.
About text - Here is where you can get creative. Feel free to explain in more detail about your region. How you first engaged with Make Works, your objectives or vision and who you are working or collaborating with in your region.
Partner text - This is not a mandatory field to fill in. It offers extra space in case you want to write more about your local partners or funding supporters. Please send your partner and funders logos to Our Coordination Team will upload the logos for you.
Can sign up - indicates if listings can be made in the region.
Is live - indicates if the region page is live.
If you need help or support please don’t hesitate to provide us with feedback by emailing You can of course email, or use the Make Works Network Slack channel at any time with your questions or feedback.
Last updated
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